Saturday, November 5, 2011

The day hath come....

A long break between posts suggests a long term of nothingness; you guessed it right, Diwali holidays. pfrrr!!! :p

So we are in 12th and we just whiled away 20 awesome days doing nothing. and my conscience, both inside and outside, (and outside means my mom, jai) do not let me enjoy this time, staining it with guilt. that's what holidays are, guilt machines, boredom manufacturers, laziness producers.... and a whole list of things i would like to call them, except this blog is not exclusive :p

And now that i am almost done with my routine of complaining about holidays just as they come to an end, the day is coming, when i get back to college. its an amazing feeling, you know. college lines up activities for you like nothing else does! Come tuesday, and my life is going to change. there's college, there's math class, there's KCMUN, and then there's prelims... and other stuff you'll know about pretty soon!*wink*

I'm going to meet my college friends after 20 freakin' days, show off my new hairstyle, bag and shoes; then i'm gonna come back to normal and laugh loudly enough in the trains to make the other ladies wonder how life would have been had they just waited a minute or two more and caught another train!!! (sanjana and manali would vouch for that. maddie, however, is a darling so she won't :p) Aww how i miss it!!!!

Can't wait, can it? the day, indeed, hath (to) come! and i'm not so good at archaic english, so i'm assuming 'hath' means 'has'....:p