Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Liquid Horizon...

My jeans rolled up to my knees,
my hair,entangled from the salty wind
i stepped into the sea,
the vast, never-ending sea,
and gazed at
the liquid horizon...

I couldn't feel the sand
weaving itself in and out of my toes
with the salty water;
nor could I sympathise
with the little crab
peeping out of its shell
for the hope of a new life
just to be washed ashore
again, and again...

I couldn't admire
the Orange Sun,
cut in half by the horizon
and dissolved by the ripples
and reflected by the waves;
nor could I appreciate
the calm, the quiet
gushing of the waves,
sound of the ocean...

It was just me and the sea;
as i watched
the water disappearing at the end,
only to ride on the waves,
back to me
and then again, receding
to the Heart of the Ocean;

And then I looked at the sea
and the sea looked back at me
and then, another salty drop of water
that came from my heart
fell on the sea
and the loyal sea
gulped it in a second
and carried it away
to the Heart of the Ocean;

Hiding from me, my own grief
theiving from me my own guilt
and drowning the deafening noise inside me,
with its deafening silence
the sea comforted me...

And as the cool wind dried
the path of the tear
on my face;
you came and stood
by my side
gazing, also, at the liquid horizon...
not oblivious to the fact
that the boundless ocean
had been joined by another drop;

and then your hand took mine
And suddenly the sun was meaningless,
the waves were weak,
and the Heart of the Ocean
was heartless;

Only the sea stood to witness
that which no one else did
binding my feet to yours in water
and weaving sand through both our toes;
that which was intertwined
grew, and grew more
into what
made everything


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