Sunday, May 29, 2011

Of blogsters and boredom

     So, Joy tells me to 'write something about boredom'. I'm like 'wha-?'. And before I could give a satisfactory (not necessarily positive) reply, he hung up. Now I am left with an answer there is no use of giving and a task-writing something about boredom.
     So I've been sitting staring at my computer screen, too bored to think of something to write. Personally, I think the whole idea of 'bored people writing about boredom' is pretty crazy. It's almost like looking in the mirror and introducing you to yourself. Don't you make that face! I'm telling ya, it makes sense. It makes complete sense to jobless people who spend their day either watching TV, or on facebook, or reading books, or all of that!
     Nonetheless, I cannot praise myself enough for coming up with ingenious ways of killing time. In the summer that was, I have learnt how to dance freestyle without looking foolish, I have learnt how NOT to bake cakes, I have learnt how to write with my right hand (I am doing considerably well), and most of all, I have learnt that all you need is a little crazy imagination to spice up your day!
     With this little piece of advice, I, the bored girl, sign off. Oh, wait! Not before I say something I've been wanting to say ever since Joy told me to write this- That boredom is imminent in such lousy vacations, is completely fathomable. But hey, when you have blogsters (MY word!!!!) like Joy and Shutti, boredom at eat.sing.enjoy.LIVE is out of question!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

bored? hell yeeah, I am!!!

Damn straight. I am bored. End of story.

How bored can you possibly be? You could be bored to the point where you have a lot to do, but you just don't feel like doing any of them; and even if that is interpreted as laziness, it makes you bored of life, nevertheless!

You could be bored to the point where you seriously have nothing to do, and you are craving for something, anything to do.

You could also be bored to the point where you have nothing to do, but you wouldn't do anything even if someone begged you to. Like having the cake and eating it too. But I don't see anything wrong with that. After all, what's the whole point of having a cake if you cannot eat it?

Fact is, boredom has no limits. Its either that, or boredom has the quality of sprouting new limits just when everyone thought they had reached it.

Either ways, its poor SYJC'ians who are suffering bad this summer. Because not only are we bored, we have to study. And I am talking hard-core classes.I am still in a better place, tough, because I am in a field that strikes a balance between studies and fun. But my heart reaches out to the round-the-clock-studying-their-eyes-out-texting-by-night-never-seem-to-be-free-to-go-out-with-friends-or-enjoy-life-in-any-way sciencies. Poor dears *evil grin*

Yeah, life is miserable. I can't believe I'd longed for summer vacations once upon the time. 'Cause as it turns out, bubbles like those burst in no time. Even though summer's not really bad as my jobless hands made it out to be, I just can't wait for college to start already!


Friday, May 27, 2011


So, this time, we have a 'theme' on our minds. All the three of us are hopefully writing about boredom, and the ennui that, irrespective of everything else, follows.

When was the last time you wanted to write a word as short as 'last' and you ended up writing 'lastestestestestestestest...' because you didn't have anything better to do?

Boredom is the feeling that you might as well be doing something else worthwhile, but what that something is, feels like a mystery.

I am not writing anymore. Bored. : /

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Of Customising And कष्टदायक.

I spent a busy afternoon talking to my friend. And busy, because that friend writes a blog too. And you might as well be pleased to know that she is the same Shutti (cum Tutti-fruity) I told you about. I was supposed to look at her personal blog and ours, like a common third party would..

"Does this look good?"
"Be honest, Joy."
"How must it be named?"

Customising a blog may be as much fun as making and writing on one, but when you get into the nitty-gritties of how things are supposed to be, it gets confusing. And tiresome. And jobless though I am, I am obviously tired, getting tired of boredom.

And Maths.

But it becomes all worthy of our time when we see the result becoming a success before our eyes. Well, I guess, the कष्टदायकness of it starts reducing after a period of time. :)

a string of random thoughts...

Its so much fun to blog, but its even more fun to customize a blog. I just did this one, and also my own blog-(. Its like shopping, but better. You get the clothes for you blog for free, you can also accessorize it as you wish for free, and it gives you and your blogging experience a freshness; a novelty. And plus, its fun, because it helps you determine what your blog is all about. A picture is worth a thousand words; if that’s taken literally, what background you choose for your blog can define your entire blog.

Its nature, isn’t it? You eat with your eyes, as well as with your mouth. We were taught, you must not judge a book by its cover, but then what’s the whole point of the cover? In the animal kingdom, as in the Human kingdom, looks are what attracts interest, interest is what attracts friendship. So looks are the most important, aren’t they?

It is so characteristic of us to preach that looks can be deceptive, and perhaps they are so,too, about 80% of the time. That is nature too, for instance, the phenomenon of camouflage. So that way a chameleon can never define what it is, because it keeps looking different. Poor creature. But no great priest can say honestly, without batting an eyelid, that he hasn’t judged a person by how he looked ever. Because no one really does. And there’s a simple justification; nature.

God gave us eyes so one can take in all the beauty nature has to offer. And he painted the world beautiful, so that we had something to see. That is one of the reasons the peacock is our national bird, not the crow; which we see more than the peacock, when it comes to it.

So what do we do with ugliness and not-so-good-looking-ness? We take them in anyway, just like we do with beauty. Banish stereotypes and give ugly a chance to prove how beautiful it really is.

And in case you are wondering how on God's earth I could start with blog customization and end with a philosophy lesson, here’s the thing; I am really, truly, extremely jobless! ;-)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And The Ball Is Set Rolling

I baked a perfect cake today. I could call it my first because whenever I bake a cake, it's either shapeless OR tasteless OR hard, like bricks. Ew.

Anyway, digressing. Or maybe not.

The cake is light-pink in colour, and is perfectly round. Well, was. I had my aunt have a piece (that I am practically home alone, I shan't tell you guys *evil grin*), and I was very busy melting chocolate on the double boiler, then I got cheesed off and so had to add some water to the milk chocolate and microwave it. But a good icing, nevertheless. I had to take the shorter cut because I couldn't have handled two flames on a stove (pun unintended, but now that it's come, it may as well come true :P) since I am a very bad multi-tasker. All this, well, because I had to give my granny some warm goodnight-milk. Hmmm.

Makes me feel 'warm and fuzzy'. But milk? Ew. But milky things are awesome. Like milk chocolate. Like vermicelli porridge. Like the Milky Way.

No, I lost it again.

Someday, I'll write a book about digression. And I'll give Maddie's and Shruti's names as egzampls. And I don't know why. I don't need to.

That's because even if you didn't know, Random is IN.

And with that sentence, I (with a bow *bows*) am OUT.


wake up, survive, go back to bed.

my mantra for the vacations. add in get up early, go swimming, watch sum tv, go back 2 sleep, watch a lot of tv, text, stare at facebook for sometime, decide its not worth it, go to blogger, and decide there is nothing to blog about and stay up late 2 complete math homework to the list. My life is boring.

but not completely so. and a blog is the place where i highlight the few precious moments of joy, sorrow, anger, frustration and sarcasm, with my few, precious, happy, sad, probably not so angry, very much frustrated and sarcastic buddies. my life is interesting in small doses. and whoever's reading, gets a large, pretty large dose. enjoy my life. :)

and yea, theres pretty much to enjoy in Joy and Maddie's lives too.=)

Chana's the way!

     After a whole day at Mumbai with a bunch of idiots, I am left exhausted. What with my legs almost broken with pain, a terrible math test coming right at me and the unnerving fact that college is still a whole month away, writing this post is the best thing that's happening to me today. Oh wait. This blog has these idiots too. :/
     Anyway, as I was contemplating how to spend todays day, I remembered the chana bhel (or whatever it's called) Shruti and Joy were eating at Marine Drive yesterday. So here's how my experiment with the chaat went-
     I strolled into the kitchen trying to find something to munch on (my mom's not here right now so ready-made food is unavailable). I found a packet of chapta chana pushed waaaayyy back in the corner of the cupboard. Boy, was I lucky!! I took an onion, chopped it into tiny pieces, and dropped it all over the chana. Then, I chopped a small tomato and added it to the mixture, making a perfect blend of the orange, red and white. To add a tangy flavour, I squeezed a small lemon over it. Not to forget dhaniya!! And there it was. My perfect mid-movie snack. And I had made it ALL by myself (not much of an achievement now, is it?).
   It wasn't like the experienced version my mom makes me. Nor did it have the streety (my word!) taste to it. Well, I savored every bit nonetheless. So much for culinary experiments!

Monday, May 16, 2011

We Swear By Chocolate!

Okay. So, this blog is going to be brought to you by us three Distinguished Idiots of St. Xavier's College, and well, is going to be about things we're passionate (the common ones being la cuisine et la musique) and/or not-so-passionate about; what happens or fails to happen in notre vie.

Shruti swears by chocolate. It goes without saying, she also swears by (or at least swore by at some time) BumbleBees, everything that is French, and everything that is amazing. Like her. She's Shutti or Tutti-fruity for you. Or you could call her whatever. She hardly cares. Like, what's in a name?

Madhurima is the I-look-quiet-and-am-quite-quiet-but-I-am-an-observing-Scorpio-*hehaha*-girl. When she's not making a new veggie dish at home, she's with her maths books guitar 'Old Fire'. One sharp look from her, and you could land dead. But don't worry, she can't see you through her computer. Not yet. :/ Oh, and she is Maddie. Don't ever confuse her name with Madhura. Never.

And I is I. :P Like, I is the ninth letter of the alphabet. And things as weird and weirder. Like, on Maddie's advice, which I no more consider to be 'sage' advice, I tried baking a cheesecake with cheese in it. And turned out I could have built barricades during WW-II using those pieces of cake. :/ Awkward. Oh, I forgot. They call me Jai. Or Joy. :/

And some names (other than ours) which often may feature on the blog include : Meryl, Sheetal, Michelle, Sanjana, Manali, Dhwani, Shiksha, Natasha, Shallaka, Twinkle, Sharvari   enough for now   all friends.

So, now, I end this post, so there are many more to come. Happy Awesomeness.