Tuesday, May 17, 2011

And The Ball Is Set Rolling

I baked a perfect cake today. I could call it my first because whenever I bake a cake, it's either shapeless OR tasteless OR hard, like bricks. Ew.

Anyway, digressing. Or maybe not.

The cake is light-pink in colour, and is perfectly round. Well, was. I had my aunt have a piece (that I am practically home alone, I shan't tell you guys *evil grin*), and I was very busy melting chocolate on the double boiler, then I got cheesed off and so had to add some water to the milk chocolate and microwave it. But a good icing, nevertheless. I had to take the shorter cut because I couldn't have handled two flames on a stove (pun unintended, but now that it's come, it may as well come true :P) since I am a very bad multi-tasker. All this, well, because I had to give my granny some warm goodnight-milk. Hmmm.

Makes me feel 'warm and fuzzy'. But milk? Ew. But milky things are awesome. Like milk chocolate. Like vermicelli porridge. Like the Milky Way.

No, I lost it again.

Someday, I'll write a book about digression. And I'll give Maddie's and Shruti's names as egzampls. And I don't know why. I don't need to.

That's because even if you didn't know, Random is IN.

And with that sentence, I (with a bow *bows*) am OUT.


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